How to draw cat faces - Minks Tutorials


My very first tutorial video! Jeez, I did so many mistakes xP But well, I have to start somewhere and get feedback from you guys! One tip: If it’s too slow for you, just speed up the video in the settings. My voice’s pitch won’t get higher because of it ;)

I noticed many things that I could do better. The most important things would be to improve the audio quality (I messed up with the editing, and the microphone was placed at a bad spot), speak louder and clearer, do test runs before I actually start recording the tutorial video, and make the episodes shorter (I could have made two episodes out of this one). Also I figured out how to get a smooth video preview in Adobe Premiere. Before that it was so fucking laggy, but now everything is running at normal speed in full resolution…god that feels great OwO

If you have any questions, constructive feedback or requests, please let me know in the comment section. I deeply appreciate it! n(_ _)n

Working on the next tutorial already. I’m freakin’ hyped now x3

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